In-home Therapeutics Home Physiotherapy

New year, same you.

New year

Have you ever set a New Year’s resolution to be healthier and exercise more and found yourself mid-February with no motivation? You are not alone. Many people start the new year with great intentions. Finding an exercise routine that is both realistic and easily fits into your daily routine is the best way to reach your goals.

If you don’t enjoy exercising or can never find the time to exercise, it is likely because you don’t have a plan that fits your lifestyle. There are many programs available, so how to you chose the right one for you?

A great way to stay on track this year is to set up an assessment with a Registered Kinesiologist to help set realistic goals and create a workout regimen that is built around your lifestyle, not the other way around. Kinesiologists use evidence-based research to treat and prevent injury and disease, and to improve movement and performance. Whether you are recovering from an injury or surgery, have a chronic disease or condition, need help fine tuning your current regimen or are simply looking to get healthy and exercise, you can benefit from an assessment and a tailored exercise program.

5 Tips when setting a health and fitness resolution from a Registered Kinesiologist

1. Set a specific and realistic goal; often people take on more than they can handle, start by choosing one goal that is within your reach. If you don’t exercise at all, chances are introducing an hour of exercise 7 days a week will not be enjoyable or achievable.

2. Chose an approach-oriented goal vs an avoidance goal; generally people have more

success when striving towards something like incorporating healthy eating vs restricting certain foods.

3. Learn from past failures; if last years resolution didn’t pan out the way you would have

hoped, make sure to change something about it before attempting again. Whether you change the goal or the plan, something has to be different for a different outcome.

4. Hold yourself accountable; people do this in many ways whether you find an accountability buddy (trainer, friend, colleague, etc), track your progress, talk about it with others, holding yourself accountable is important.

5. Don’t give up; change takes time, it is ok to have some good days and bad days, don’t beat yourself up about the bad days and reward yourself for the good days. Change is hard, it takes time! You can do it.

Here is an example of a realistic fitness resolution:

Resolution: to incorporate more mobility training in daily routine

Why is this important to me?

Remedy existing injuries, improve technique, posture and controlled range of motion

How will I achieve this?

Create a plan including mobility work; add 15 minutes of mobility training to each session; body weight dynamic stretching, foam rolling

What obstacles will I face and how will I overcome them?

Time; replace some strength exercises for mobility if unable to add 15 minutes to a session, or replace an entire weekly session with mobility work

Energy; make sure to fuel with good food and have a good night sleep

Motivation; incorporate mindfulness, set reminders on my phone, find an accountability partner, track progress every week

What is my timeline?


Re-assess goal in 3 months; take before and after pictures/videos of form/technique, check in with qualified professionals to see if form, technique and posture have improve

If you are interested in starting your new year off with realistic and specific fitness goals, consider making an appointment with a kinesiologist. Our Registered Kinesiologist will come to you at your home or gym and work with you to meet your fitness needs. Best of all, it can be covered by most private insurances.

Call In-home Therapeutics at (343) 370-7393 today!

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